
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week 4: "The Miseducation of Hip-Hop - Discrimination in Education"

“The Miseducation of Hip-Hop – Discrimination in Education”

The dilemma presented in Jamilah Evelyn’s essay is one in which both sides of the debate can be understood. The example he used of Jason Hinmon’s experience, where he was discriminated against due to his manner of dress, is representative of what many young people face when trying to express themselves and show their individuality. It would seem that since America is a free country and people are free to dress as they wish, that discrimination against a person for their clothing choices would not occur, but it does. Eleanor Roosevelt said “With freedom comes responsibility.” This is so true. When choosing to wear clothing that provokes others to form a stereotyped opinion, one must also accept the responsibility for those actions. When looking at this issue from Dr. Midgette’s point of view, it seems understandable that he would expect higher education students to dress a little more professionally. It could even be argued that certain clothing is inappropriate to wear to college in the way that wearing a bathing suit to the mall or a tuxedo to a gym is inappropriate. Dr. Midgette probably feels that Hinmon should dress more professionally when going to class in order to prepare him for the real world where he will be expected to dress in a certain way.


Evelyn, J. (2008). The miseducation of hip-hop – discrimination in education. In L. Gray-
Rosendale (Ed.), Pop perspectives readings to critique contemporary culture (pp. 451-453). New York: McGraw-Hill

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 3: “The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures”

“The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures”

Television news can be a very important source of information. However, one must view this news objectively and with an open mind. In the article “The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures,” the authors Neil Postman and Steve Powers point out how stationary pictures, moving pictures, and language communicate differently to the viewer. In regards to stationary pictures, the authors point out that these pictures can “speak only in particularities,” and that they are only “a particular fragment of the here-and-now” (Postman, & Powers, 2008, p. 485). Moving pictures can tell more of the story. They use the example of an aircraft carrier and how with a moving picture “There is a certain drama in watching the planes come in at high speeds and skid to a stop on the deck” (Postman, & Powers, 2008, p. 486). When it comes to language, words used can be ambiguous and can describe, evaluate, or infer. The authors explain that language is full of emotions and that when people speak “the talk almost always includes a feeling, an attitude, a judgment” (Postman, & Powers, 2008, p. 484). Their description of language, stationary pictures, and moving pictures leads to the point of the essay. According to Postman and Powers, in television news the stories and the building of the newscast is done so to gain viewers and increase ratings as opposed to conveying detailed and thorough reports. The viewer should be prepared and should beware of the news stories that they are being shown. Not everything seen and heard on television news broadcasts tells the entire, accurate story.
Postman, N., & Powers, S. (2008) The bias of language, the bias of pictures. In L. Gray-Rosendale
(Ed.),Pop perspectives readings to critique contemporary culture (pp.482-489). New York: McGraw-Hill

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 2: Volkswagon Darth Vader Ad

First and foremost, this is a very cute and humorous ad.

In regards to gender representations in the ad, the gender of the child is never revealed due to the costume. However, it could be a boy or girl in the disguise. One may automatically assume that the child is a boy due to the fact that the costume is that of a male character, but the child’s room shown in the ad appears to be that of a little girl with a baby doll sitting on the bed. This could be the room of the child featured, or it could be the room of a female sibling. The gender interaction of the parents is limited since the father only appears with the mother for a brief period at the end of the piece. However, it would seem that the message sent to the viewer is the old fashioned representation of the stay at home mother caring for the child and doing house work, and the father is the working man returning home in business attire. This is not an adequate representation of a 21st century family. In many modern families both parents work and share responsibilities at home. Also, the mother may be the only one working either due to choice or necessity due to the current economic crisis. Then, there is the whole issue of broken and single parent households where a parent is raising a child alone. A large number of people do not live as those represented in the ad do.

The character of Darth Vader may be from about thirty years ago, but he is a well known character. Darth Vader is an icon of the dark side much like the villains in classic stories and comics. Just think of The Joker from the Batman stories. Star Wars has become a classic along with the characters of Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia. It is quite possible that thirty years from now people will still understand what this kid’s costume represents.

Even though this is a fun ad, this childhood vignette does not reveal much about the nature of families in the 21st century. There may be a small number of families who live as the traditional, old fashioned type represented in this ad, but most families of the 21st century do not. Nevertheless, the ad could still be seen as effective since society does recognize the traditional roles. And besides, it is cute.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 1: Justin Beiber & Ludacris - Baby Video

Video link:

The gender representations evident in this video are typical of boys and girls at this age in regards to the way they take notice to each other, act flirtatious and playful with each other, and try to gain the approval of their peers at the same time. This interaction does seem traditional, however, many teens at this age are not sure enough about themselves to express themselves this way or act as sexual as Beiber and the girl he is flirting with do at times in the video.

This video may indicate a certain perception about teens in the 21st century. Those who watch the video and others like it may form a sort of "profile" of 21st century teens as portrayed by the media. Much of what society is bombarded with by the media is pure fantasy, not reality. For example, many teens that are the age of those in the video are not allowed to go unchaperoned to such places as a bowling alley. Most teens are likely to actually meet each other at school or through extracurricular activities. A lot of teens at this age hang out at other places like the mall, movie theatre, or sporting events during daytime hours. Many are not allowed to date yet. The way the teens in the video line up and dance like they are partying in a club is not the way typical teens of this age act. They may dance at a prom or other school dance, but no, they do not line up and dance at a bowling alley.

The merger of the singing styles of Beiber and Ludacris does indicate a change in the music industry. Rap music has become more mainstream and has lost its edge. For a popular rap star such as Ludacris to join up with a teen pop star such as Beiber could indicate this, but it could also indicate that Ludacris is smart enough to know he can cash in on a teen sensation like Beiber. The management teams of both stars probably saw dollar signs with this merger, with all hoping to bring new listeners to the other side. This is not necessarily a bad thing; it is just how the industry works.

This music video does show a touch of reality, but mostly fantasy. The reality would be in the way the teens react to each other. The fantasy of the video is shown in many ways. Other than the previously mentioned dance line up at the bowling alley and the fact that the night time event appears unchaperoned, the way the teens are dressed is above and beyond what many parents can afford in today's bad economy. However, just like with most videos, movies, television shows, etc., you have to keep in mind that it is entertainment and intended to be fantasy.